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5 sites to help you with a job interview

Five (5) Websites To Help You Prepare For A Job Interview

You have been looking for a job for some time. And now you have finally been invited for an interview, and you don’t know to prepare for a job interview. Preparing for a job interview has become easier than we think. There is a vast bank of knowledge and guidance on the internet, unlike in the past. This results from people mapping out their experiences, those that yielded results, and those that delivered lessons. No knowledge, as they say, is ever wasted.

Before going for a job interview, it is advisable to go through one or multiple sites during your preparation. You may think that a 30-minute or 1hr interview is something you can handle, only to realize it wasn’t when you get a rejection email. It’s best to put in the effort to limit your chances of getting a rejection. These preparation sites will give you practice tests and questions in your field, and some will even go as far as speaking with you. Some of the following are good examples to get started with.

1. Google Interview Warmup

Who can use this website: Anyone


Google recently launched an AI program called Interview Warmup that can conduct interviews with people. It has an AI interviewer that can speak, and it asks you the interviewee questions like a potential employer. You have the option of replying in either speech or text format.

It’s a free tool anyone can use, and you don’t need to have a Google career certificate to have it. The interview is conducted for seven expert fields: Data Analytics, E-commerce, IT Support, Project Management, UX Design, and General (for everything else).

Click here to get started.


2. Ambitionbox

Who can use this website: Anyone

This is another site where can you can prepare for your extensive interview. Big interview in the sense that it catalogs the experiences and interview stories of people who have had an encounter with notable international companies. You can search for your designation or a company’s name (if it’s a well-known multinational company) or a similar company if your interview is with a smaller firm.

The platform also gives you aptitude tests on various subject topics according to your expertise. It’s also a great place to search for jobs and look into salary expectations. Unfortunately, it is an Indian site, so the jobs are all based in India, but it doesn’t stop you from benefiting from its vast knowledge and experiences.


Click here to get started.

3. Geeksforgeeks

Who can use this website: Computer programmers and developers

As the name implies, GeeksforGeeks is a site where the tech guys hang around. There are a lot of coding questions here and there if you understand the programming language. There are contests, interview questions, and practice sheets for coders.


The platform also has a job posting feature for members of its community. It offers tutorials, courses, and exams for students and working professionals. It’s a place to be if you like tech.

Click here to get started.

4. Gainlo

Who can use this site: Everyone


This is another website that conducts mock interviews for the public. Gainlo is an online platform that gives people the chance to have mock interviews with experienced interviewers from top companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and the likes. It is a space to get introduced to experienced interviewers to help you ace your interview.

They conduct their interviews via Skype and give immediate feedback to their interviewees at the end of the interview. After signing up, you have to wait for a particular email that might take more than 10 minutes for you to sign up.

Click here to get started.


5. Careercup

Who can use this site: Tech

Do you want professional advice on how to be a hacker for the government or how to be an ethical hacker? It’s all there on Careercup.

Careercup is an excellent place to get career advice, tips, interview questions, and rehearsal materials for people in tech who want to work for governmental organizations.


Click here to get started.

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Ngozi Nwaubani

Ngozi Nwaubani

She's usually found writing Sci-Fi and fun articles on entertainment and lifestyle.

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