TASMAG Online Magazine
5 social media platforms with monetization plan

9 Social Media Platforms Where You Can Make Money

Looking for how to make money online? The internet is one of the best ways to earn big-time or create a passive income stream. The internet was made for communication hence the plethora of websites for people to communicate, trade, buy, sell, advertise, etc. The opportunities are boundless and social media is a critical enabler.

Most people do not know that these websites come with a monetization package. If users build a substantial audience or subscribers, they are paid a commission. One of the most popular of these sites is Youtube. This platform pay Youtubers with at least 1000 subscribers and over 4,000 hrs of video watch time. Asides from this site, many others pay users directly. Affiliate programs are a plus, but sometimes it’s good to reap directly from the website.

1. TikTok Creator Fund

The content creators are rewarded by both TikTok and their followers for their efforts. Profiles with a minimum of 10,000 authentic followers and 100,000 genuine video views are eligible to apply for the creator fund program. Users can also earn from their followers through gifting from live or uploaded videos.


Gifts are bought with real money by followers who want their favorite creators to be noticed or appreciated. The amount you make depends on how popular you are and how many gifters send you gifts — payments are made to the creator’s preferred payment method between Zelle and PayPal.

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2. Facebook Creators Studio

Creators get paid from ads streamed on their content. If you have amassed a large following by now on Facebook, then you have the opportunity to earn a 6-figure income. By granting Facebook the right to include ads in your video content, you can make money through your number of views.


There are different monetization options for Facebook Creators. They include:

  • ‌In-stream ads.
  • Branded content
  • ‌Fans subscription etc

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3. Twitter Tips

Twitter has a new program to reward its creators, experts, pundits, and nonprofit organizations. The Twitter Tip Jar was created to reward and show support for creators through sending and receiving tips.


The feature was introduced in 2021 and is still in its expanding state, and will get to different regions on the app soon enough. When this feature becomes enabled, eligible users will have a Tip Jar icon next to the Follow button on their account. Tapping on the icon will lead to different payment services and platforms like PayPal, Patreon, Cash App, etc.

Click here to get started.

4. Pinterest Creator Fund

Pinterest Creator Fund is a way for the platform to offer compensation and reward to its creators. However, the opportunity is not available to all but a select few. The fund currently helps 18 creators identified by Pinterest across various industries. Pinterest picks the recipients of the fund through applications for a cycle. Currently, the Creator Fund program is closed for applications but will be open sometime in the future.


Click here to get started.

5. Medium Partner Program

Medium is a writing platform for writers and readers of knowledge. The platform pays writers if they have at least 100 followers. The platform pays writers $0.055 per word published. All writers enrolled in the Medium Partner Program earn money, but the amount depends on how many followers and engagement you have on your articles.

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6. Substack

Substack is a platform that bloggers use to send newsletters to their subscribers. It pays its bloggers who have at least 50 subscribers to their newsletters. These subscribers have to be paying subscribers for bloggers to make substantial revenue. There is a lot of money to be made for writing, podcasting, and sharing information with your audience. However, this idea launches on the capability of you being able to convince your subscribers to pay for your content.

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7. Snapchat Spotlight

Snapchat was one of the early short video and picture filter platforms. Snapchat recently launched a new feature that can help users make good money called Snapchat Spotlight to compete with its many competitors. The feature is a lot like Instagram Reels but more rewarding. Users have to upload and submit short videos to stand a chance to be among the lucky few to earn almost $1 million per day.


Click here to get started.

8. Quora Partner Program

Quora is a popular online platform that pays people to ask and answer questions. It’s the most common website that appears on your google search when you ask questions. If you have a question swimming in your head and you think that there might not be an answer, there are chances that I suppose you might be wrong. This platform has a vast number of people who ask and answer questions. They have a monetization plan based on answer and question views, but this payment function is unavailable to Nigeria like many other platforms.

Click here to get started.


9. Nairapen Monetary Reward

Nairapen is a Nigerian online website is an online platform for Nigerian Writers to write about different topics in their area of specialization and showcase their writing skill at the same time. It also has an attractive reward system to encourage Nigerian writers. The platform rewards writers with an awards system. Writers are nominated for awards in their categories from short stories, essays, personal development, interviews, academic writing, technical articles, etc. There are also monthly giveaways to 7 people based on specific requirements. The website is fast becoming a well-respected online journal in Nigeria and beyond.

Click here to get started.

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Ngozi Nwaubani

Ngozi Nwaubani

She's usually found writing Sci-Fi and fun articles on entertainment and lifestyle.

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