TASMAG Online Magazine
7 things young men should do in their 20s before 30

7 Things Older Men Think Young Men Should Do Before 30

As humans who do not grow any younger but older, we experience life and get various understandings as we grow. The old constantly try to teach the young about their experiences, misfortunes, success, regrets, etc. We have compiled the top seven (7) things older men think the young men should do before 30 below.

1. Mobility exercises and Stretching

Older men believe it is a good practice for the younger generation to stretch and commit to a daily or weekly exercise. This is a means to keep the body fit and healthy always. You don’t want to be unfit and unhealthy in your 30s.

2. Quit smoking

They advise smokers to quit, and yes, they should do so in their 20s. It’s all fun and cruise but will catch up to you when you get older. At least the body has time to heal most of the damage if smokers quit younger than when they are older. You should also avoid drugs.


3. Brush your teeth

Maintain good teeth or mouth hygiene. If you want to keep damaging your teeth, there’s no doubt that you will regret it in old age.

4. Get your physical and mental health in check

We cannot stress this enough. Keeping in check physically and mentally gives you confidence. It would be sad for you when you become wealthy but physically or mentally unstable to us enjoy it.

5. Don’t compare your life to others

Everyone is struggling, whether they have a good job or not. It is unhealthy for your peace of mind to continue comparing your life with others. Be content; if you desire a higher status, work towards it. Do not be toxic even to yourself.


6. Tryout weird hairstyles

If you suspect that you will grow bald through genetics, by all means, start enjoying your hair. Make as much use of the hair by styling it to your taste before you lose them all.

Deku face - hair men should do before 30 |

7. Start investing

Start investing money towards your retirement. If it’s 10k, 50k, or 100k available to you, use it to invest. Invest in stocks, index funds, or any other way to grow your money legally. Years down the line, profits can accrue massively. It is best to start early than to revert later in life.

money is king - world war - invest your money

Don’t forget, age is nothing but numbers. Don’t feel too pressured if you have not achieved or done any of these before age 30.

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Ngozi Nwaubani

Ngozi Nwaubani

She's usually found writing Sci-Fi and fun articles on entertainment and lifestyle.

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